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Month: June 2017

Lead poisoning has been in the news regularly since the crisis in Flint, Michigan, where communities in and outside of Flint suffered from the many effects regular exposure to lead can have, including learning disabilities, behavioral issues, anemia, hypertension, immunotoxicity, and toxicity to the organs. Since the initial coverage of this health crisis, more and…Read More

We may have stopped hearing about self-driving cars as frequently in the news, but that doesn’t mean it’s gone away. Self-driving cars are being tested for official release into the market and they are still crashing and causing car accidents at alarming rates. They have logged hundreds of thousands of test-drive miles on California highways…Read More

A first-of-its-kind study showing the devastating impact of wartime brain injuries on service members have been making news headlines of late. A University of Washington neurologist (Mac Donald) followed 50 soldiers after they suffered concussive injuries and continued to track their conditions over several years. Her findings may send shock waves through the military community,…Read More

Sadly, a fiery car crash in North Carolina resulted in two children—as well as their parents and the man driving the other vehicle, a tractor-trailer—dying when their vehicles collided on May 17th. Authorities indicate that the tractor-trailer driver did not slow down as he approached a work zone near the South Carolina state line, and…Read More

Wrongful death claims and auto accidents intersect in many ways. For example, if you drive drunk or under the influence, and as a result, you kill someone you can be sued for wrongful death. Drunk or drugged driving is the most common criminal offense in the United States to date. In civil court in North…Read More