What Are The Pros And Cons Of Hiring A Bicycle Accident Lawyer In North Carolina?

Jun 17, 2020 Brown Moore

Bicycling can be an incredibly relaxing and healthy activity. In and around the Charlotte area, there are thousands of people who ride their bicycles on a daily basis. However, there are times when the negligent actions of others cause significant harm to a cyclist. At Brown, Moore & Associates, PLLC, our Charlotte bicycle accident lawyers want to discuss some of the benefits and possible drawbacks of hiring a bicycle accident lawyer to help in the aftermath of a bicycle versus vehicle collision.

Why a bicycle accident attorney will be beneficial

According to the North Carolina Department of Transportation, there were 631 total bicycle crashes reported across the state during the latest year of data available. Out of these incidents, a significant percentage involved injuries or fatalities:

  • 17 fatal crashes
  • 539 injury crashes

Benefits of having a bicycle accident lawyer

If you are injured in a bicycle crash that is caused by the negligence of another person, it is unlikely that you will have the resources or legal experience necessary to obtain full compensation for your claim. A bicycle accident attorney will be able to:

  • Obtain all evidence necessary to prove liability, including photo and video surveillance, statements from eyewitnesses, accident reports, anymore.
  • Work with trusted medical professionals to fully evaluate your injuries and determine your total medical expenses.
  • Work with economic and financial experts to properly calculate your total losses.
  • Negotiate with all parties involved, including aggressive insurance carriers, to secure the compensation you are entitled to.
  • Fully prepare your case for trial if the other party does not offer a fair settlement.

Are there any negatives to having a bicycle?

Most people are hesitant to work with a bicycle accident lawyer because they are unwilling or unable to afford one. However, perhaps one of the most significant benefits of hiring a bicycle accident lawyer is that you will usually not pay any upfront or out-of-pocket costs for your case. At Brown, Moore & Associates, PLLC, our Charlotte bicycle accident attorneys take these cases on a contingency fee basis, which means we only collect legal fees after we secured the compensation you deserve.

One other possible negative to hiring a lawyer is that they will be paid out of a percentage of the damages you are awarded. However, this is usually negated by the fact that those who use an attorney are more likely to get a larger payout for their case. In many bicycle accident cases, the payout will be significantly larger by working with an attorney.

Our Charlotte bicycle accident lawyers will help your case

If you are a loved one who has been injured in a bicycle accident that was caused by another person’s negligence, you need to speak to an attorney immediately. At Brown, Moore & Associates, PLLC, we want to investigate your case so we can obtain maximum compensation on your behalf. This can include coverage for:

  • All bicycle-crash related medical bills
  • Any lost wages you incur if you cannot work
  • Possible punitive damages against a grossly negligent driver
  • Pain and suffering as well as the loss of enjoyment of life damages

If you need a Charlotte bicycle accident lawyer, you can contact us for a free consultation of your case by clicking here or calling us at 800-948-0577.

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