Charlotte Erbs Palsy Attorney

A birth injury that leaves many babies disabled is known as Erb’s palsy. Like shoulder dystocia, Erb’s palsy involves nerve damage occurring at birth. Erb’s palsy may be the result of negligence on the part of an obstetrician for example.

  • The OB-GYN may have failed to recognize the need for a C-section or to prepare for it in a timely manner.
  • The doctor may have neglected to perform various maneuvers, which can prevent Erb’s palsy when the child is stuck in the birth canal behind the mother’s pelvic bone.
  • The doctor may have improperly used an implement such as a suction cup or forceps that resulted in brain damage or nerve damage such as that occurring in Erb’s palsy cases.

Any birth injury can be disastrous for a baby’s future — and for a family’s well-being. Many divorces take place after birth injuries such as Erb’s palsy bring special-needs children into a marriage and a family. Financial compensation cannot undo a birth injury, but it can offer a family and child rays of hope. Reparative surgery, therapy, and disability accommodations may all help a disabled child and his or her parents cope with the realities of a birth injury such as Erb’s palsy or shoulder dystocia.

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