Charlotte Shoulder Dystocia Attorney

Shoulder dystocia and Erb’s palsy (also known as brachial palsy) can cause a serious lifelong handicap for children who are unfortunate victims of this occurrence. Babies suffer shoulder dystocia and /or Erb’s palsy when their shoulder/arm nerves and muscles are injured during a failed delivery. A doctor’s failure to pay attention to risk factors such as a child’s and mother’s weight and size, the mother’s birth history, length of the labor and, factors such as gestational diabetes may play a role in predicting and avoiding this injury. These risk factors may indicate the obstetrician should have planned on a C-section as the safest means of delivering a baby. Proper information as to the risks should be given to the birth parents so they can make an informed decision concerning the type of delivery that is best for their child.

When a child suffers such an injury the immediate symptoms may include the loss of purposeful or spontaneous use of the affected arm and/or hand, an arm held in flexed position against the body, and/or decreased grip in the affected hand. Although not appropriate for every child suffering this injury, there are surgeries and interventions that can dramatically reduce the long-term disability the child may suffer. The earlier these interventions occur the better the prospect for an improved outcome. As part of its practice, Brown Moore & Associates assists clients in every way in seeking appropriate follow-up care and intervention.

Does your child suffer the loss of full use of one of their arms? If so, it may be as a result of an injury suffered at birth. A medical malpractice claim, if appropriate, may help you recover the compensation that your child will need to cover expenses such as the following:

  • Reparative surgery, if indicated
  • Therapy
  • Psychological counseling in the future
  • Special education in the future, if appropriate

Whatever the prognosis, you owe it to your child to investigate possible avenues of help and compensation in shoulder dystocia cases.

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