Charlotte Workers' Compensation Attorney

If you are injured on the job or while performing work-related duties, your employer may be legally obligated to compensate you for medical bills or pay for your medical treatment and wage loss through the workers’ compensation system. In some instances, injured workers navigate the workers’ compensation system with minimal trouble, and don’t need a workers’ compensation lawyer – Jon R Moore. In other instances, unfortunately, injured workers struggle to obtain fair compensation through the system. A workers’ compensation attorney in Charlotte, North Carolina can help you obtain the fair compensation you deserve.

At the personal injury law firm of Brown Moore & Associates, PLLC, our Charlotte workers’ compensation attorneys have decades of experience fighting for injured workers’ rights to fair financial compensation. We serve clients throughout the Charlotte area and the surrounding parts of North Carolina.

Our attorneys have in-depth experience advocating for injured workers in the state workers’ compensation system and on behalf of federal railroad employees under the Federal Employees Liability Act (FELA).

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