Charlotte Back Injury Attorney

Back injuries are common for workers performing manual labor, and they are surprisingly common for other workers as well. In some cases, workers with back injuries can get good medical treatment and obtain all of their needed compensation without legal help. In other cases, however, the process is much more difficult. Many injured workers receive doctors’ reports that indicate the injuries are far less severe than they really are, state they are from a pre-existing condition, or return the employee to his or her job prematurely.

Although the North Carolina workers’ compensation system ordinarily requires that an injured worker suffer an accident or deviation from the normal work routine before a workers’ compensation claim may be accepted, back injuries are treated differently. In order to support a finding of compensability for back injuries, the employee need only have suffered a specific traumatic incident. So, while an injury to an arm occurring during the normal course of work duties may not be covered by workers’ compensation, compensation may be allowed for an injury to the back during the same work duties.

At the North Carolina law firm of Brown Moore & Associates, PLLC, we are dedicated to helping injured workers obtain the compensation they need after suffering work-related injuries. Our Charlotte lawyers understand how complicated the workers’ compensation process is for most people, and especially for those who suffer a back injury on the job. We also know how important the ability to obtain compensation can be for our clients who are unable to work. This might provide the only way for you and your family to survive financially.

We represent clients in North Carolina who have suffered work-related back injuries that involve:

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