What Should I Do After I Am Injured In A Car Accident In Charlotte?

Apr 15, 2020 Brown Moore

Nobody wants to get into a car accident. However, if you are injured in an accident, there are various steps you can take to ensure your well-being and to help improve your chances of securing maximum compensation. At Brown, Moore & Associates, PLLC, our car accident attorneys in Charlotte want to discuss these steps with you, and we are ready to help you get through this.

Steps To Take If You Are Injured In A Crash

According to data from the North Carolina Department of Transportation, there were more than 281,000 total car accidents reported during the last year across the state. Out of those incidents, 125,454 people were injured and there were 1,442 fatalities.

1. Seek medical assistance immediately

When an accident occurs and you or anybody else is injured, the number one priority is to seek medical assistance. Make sure somebody calls 911, and that police and EMS are on the way to the accident. Even if your injuries are minor, you still need to seek medical assistance. In many cases, injuries that seem minor right after an accident are actually much more severe.

2. Gather as much evidence as possible

If you are able to do so safely and without causing yourself any harm, document the scene and work to gather evidence. Use a cell phone or other camera to take photos of damages, injuries, causes of the accident, the debris field, etc. Get the names and contact information of any eyewitnesses, and be sure to get the insurance information of another driver involved.

3. Notify your insurance carrier

You need to notify your insurance carrier soon after the accident occurs, but you do not have to go into detail about the incident at this time. Simply let them know the accident occurred and give them the other driver’s information.

4. Be wary of early settlement offers

The at-fault driver’s insurance carrier may try to offer a quick settlement, but you should be wary of early offers. If you are still receiving medical care, there is no way to know what your total costs will be. By taking an early settlement offer, you lose the right to ask for more money later on.

5. Continue and keep track of medical treatment

You should continue to seek medical care for your car accident injuries. Make sure you go to all follow-up visits and that you continue any treatment plans prescribed by your doctor. This could include physical therapy and rehabilitation, as well as the use of medical devices like a walker, wheelchair, or cane on a temporary basis.

6. Contact a Charlotte car accident attorney

You should consider involving an attorney as early in this process as possible, maybe even the day an accident occurs. Most Charlotte car accident lawyers will offer a free consultation of your case, so you have nothing to lose by sharing your story and working to see if an attorney can help you secure compensation.

Let Us Get To Work On Your Case

If you or somebody you care about has been injured in a car accident caused by another driver’s negligence, seek legal assistance today. At Brown, Moore & Associates, PLLC, we are ready to help you get through this. Our team will investigate your accident and work to secure any compensation you are entitled to, which could include:

  • Any crash-related medical expenses
  • Lost income if you cannot work
  • Pain and suffering damages
  • Loss of enjoyment of life damages
  • Possible punitive damages against a grossly negligent driver

When you need a car accident attorney in Charlotte, you can contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling us at 800-948-0577.

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