Will My Health Insurance Pay for a Work Injury?

Oct 3, 2019 Brown Moore

Work injuries are not uncommon in our area. However, when they occur, we should be able to count on insurance to cover our injuries. However, which insurance is there to cover a work injury? Should you use your health insurance or is workers’ compensation responsible for the costs?

At Brown, Moore & Associates, PLLC, we are here to help you get the compensation you deserve. Today, our Charlotte work injury attorneys want to discuss what happens after a work injury.

Who covers work injuries?

Work injuries are a common occurrence. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) tells us that there were approximately 2.8 million total nonfatal workplace injuries or illnesses during the latest reporting year.

However, many people are confused as to which insurance covers these injuries. I most work injury cases, you will be covered by workers’ compensation insurance. Nearly all employers in North Carolina are required to carry workers’ comp coverage for their employees. Failing to do so can lead to legal consequences for an employer.

Workers’ compensation is going to cover the cost of medical care related to the work-related injury as well as a portion of the injured worker’s wages and benefits lost. Health insurance does not cover lost wages.

You should know that work-related injuries are generally excluded from a person’s health insurance coverage. This includes health insurance plans that are through the employer. These injuries are excluded because it is assumed that the injuries will be covered by workers’ compensation plans.

What if my employer does not have workers’ compensation insurance?

If your employer does not have workers compensation coverage for employees, they are likely breaking the law. They could be subjected to major fines from the state. Further, they open themselves up to a personal injury lawsuit by an injured worker.

Workers’ comp insurance coverage usually makes it impossible for an injured worker to sue for damages after an injury. However, if your employer does not have workers’ comp coverage, you should consider seeking legal assistance. You may have to file a personal injury lawsuit to recover the compensation you deserve.

  • Getting your work injury covered by both your personal insurance and workers’ compensation could be considered insurance fraud, and you may have to reimburse your insurance carrier.

We are ready to help you through this

If you or someone you love has been injured at work but are struggling to get the compensation you deserve, please seek legal assistance today. At Brown, Moore & Associates, PLLC, we know that your focus needs to be on recovering from your injury. Let us get to the bottom of what happened so we can secure the compensation you deserve, including:

  • Coverage of your medical expenses related to the incident
  • Lost income and benefits of you are unable to work
  • Disability benefits if necessary
  • Pain and suffering damages
  • Loss of enjoyment of life damages
  • Possible punitive damages against your employer

When you need a Charlotte work injury lawyer you can contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling us at 704-335-1500.

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