Recall of North Carolina-Based Butterball Turkey

Apr 26, 2019 Brown Moore Products Liability

Recently, a recall was issued for over 78,000 pounds of Butterball turkey after people were sickened in two states and their illnesses were linked to Butterball turkey produced and sold last year. The turkey was sold at grocery stores nationwide, including stores here in Charlotte and throughout North Carolina. There is concern that even though the turkey was sold last year that the contaminated turkey is being stored in household freezers. Charlotte product liability attorneys know that contaminated food can lead to serious illness, especially in children and the elderly, and others with compromised immune systems.

Contaminated turkey evidence

According to Wisconsin health officials, four people from the same household in Wisconsin were sickened after consuming the turkey. When the family reported the illness, officials collected three samples from unopened turkey packages from the residence. The fifth illness reportedly occurred in Minnesota. See the United States Department of Agriculture’s news release for a list of the recalled turkey products that were produced on July 7, 2018.

North Carolina product liability

In product liability cases, sellers and manufacturers/producers may be responsible for injuries sustained due to product defects depending on the circumstances. Unlike many states with strict liability laws that do not require plaintiffs to prove negligence in product liability cases, North Carolina law requires plaintiffs to prove negligence in their claims. Because it is more difficult to prove defective product cases in North Carolina, it is very important to find an experienced product liability attorney to represent your interests.

What to do after an injury

If you believe you have been injured by a defective product, it is important to take the following steps:

  • Seek necessary medical treatment for your injuries
  • Preserve injury evidence including medical bills and reports
  • Preserve product evidence when available including packaging, leftover product, and receipts
  • Contact an experienced product liability attorney to represent your claim

Other types of defective product claims

Product liability claims are not limited to contaminated food. Common product liability claims for other types of defective products include the following:

  • Toys and other children’s products
  • Medical devices including prostheses and implants that do not work as expected or that lead to injuries such as infection and pain
  • Prescription drugs with dangerous and unknown side effects
  • Automobiles and automobile parts are frequently recalled for defects
  • Household appliances such as defective hairdryers and space heaters
  • Furniture that poses risks of harm such as free-standing dressers with unreasonable tip overpotential
  • Tools and equipment such as lawnmowers and power drills
  • Sports and recreational protective gear and equipment including bicycle helmets and scooters

If you or a loved one has been injured by a defective product, contact a Charlotte product liability attorney at Brown Moore & Associates, PLLC to discuss your claim and injuries sustained. Our attorneys have secured financial compensation, including multimillion-dollar recoveries for product liability clients and they will work to maximize your recovery as well. You deserve to be compensated for your injuries and negligent sellers and manufacturers should be held accountable.

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