Gastonia Catastrophic Injury Attorney

The aftermath of any accident can be a challenging time for a victim. However, the nature of the difficulties a victim will face after being involved in an accident resulting from someone else’s negligence can vary depending upon the severity of their injuries.

Some injuries are fairly minor. At worst, a victim who sustains such injuries may need to undergo basic medical treatment and spend some time away from work while they recover.

Other injuries can have a permanent impact on a victim’s quality of life. If you have sustained major injuries like these because another party was careless, you may be able to recover compensation for such losses as your medical bills, lost earning capacity, pain and suffering, and more. You can pursue what you are owed by filing a claim to recover compensation from the negligent party’s insurance. If they are uninsured or their insurance carrier refuses to offer a fair settlement, you can take them to court to pursue damages.

Either way, your chances of arriving at a fair settlement or being awarded damages will be much greater if you enlist the help of legal professionals who have experience representing clients like yourself. At Brown Moore & Associates, PLLC, a Gastonia, North Carolina catastrophic injury attorney is on hand to review the details of your case, inform you of your legal options, and provide the aggressive representation you deserve should you decide to work with us.

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