Personal Injury

Kent Brown: All personal injury cases in North Carolina have burdens of proof. What that means is, the person who’s been injured has to prove the other person was in some way negligent and caused the injury. The same rule applies to the injury. You have to prove that the injury occurred as a result of the accident.

Jon Moore: We have to illustrate, as best we can, what the damages our client has suffered is, and it’s not just simply medical expenses and lost wages. Sometimes, the most profound damages are things like pain and suffering, and really, the true toll that the injury has taken on our clients’ lives.

Attorney: I like to think of myself as a listener. I’m here to listen to what you’ve been through, listen to your story, and really turn over every stone, investigate the claim.

Jon Moore: A lot of times that involves visiting the scene of an accident if there is a scene to visit, and talking with witnesses if there are witnesses to talk to, just gathering information. During that time, our clients are engaged in their medical recovery, and we’re keeping tabs on that and collecting records as the process goes along.

Attorney: Be there to walk you through it, to explain it to you, and to help you find the closure that you need, and help you get the resources that you need to put your life back together.

Jon Moore: At the end of the day, we want to do what we can to make our clients be able to move on from a terrible incident that may have happened to them without anything lingering over their heads.

Kent Brown: We have a track record of winning, and we can do that for you.

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