A person in North Carolina might start out having a good day and then all of a sudden, it seems as though his or her world collapses. This can easily happen if a person is working hard on-the-job and ends up suffering workplace injuries. One worker in another state faced this situation recently.
The worker was laboring at development during the late afternoon on a recent Monday. All of a sudden, a trench partially collapsed and buried the worker in the dirt, authorities said. His coworkers were able to free him from the dirt.
The worker, who appeared to be middle-aged, was trapped against a conduit that had lines with high voltage. Some witnesses said most of his body was covered in dirt, while others said about half of it was covered. He belonged to a team that was digging up water main. He never lost consciousness. However, he suffered serious internal and head injuries in the accident and was taken to the hospital.
After receiving word of the accident, national safety officials from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration responded. While the man struggles to recover from his workplace injuries, his family may feel helpless, especially if they are financially dependent on the worker. This is why purchasing workers compensation insurance is a requirement for most businesses in North Carolina. The insurance provides benefits that help an injured worker to keep up with his or her obligations financially while healing physically. An injured person has the right to pursue legal guidance when striving to maximize the available benefits following a workplace accident.
Source: The Patriot Ledger, “Worker injured in trench collapse at SouthField“, Christian Schiavone, June 10, 2014