Rear-end car accidents are also one of the most avoidable crashes because most of them are caused by distracted driving, tailgating, and other forms of human error.
Consult with the best Charlotte, North Carolina car accident attorney from Brown Moore & Associates, PLLC, to determine fault and get the compensation you need.
Rear-End Collisions in Charlotte
Everyone has witnessed at least one rear-end or fender-bender crash when commuting to or from work. A rear-end car accident is when a vehicle hits another vehicle from behind.
Yes, in the vast majority of such collisions, the motorist whose vehicle struck another vehicle from behind is held responsible for causing the crash. But there are also cases when the driver of the front car is to blame for causing the rear-end crash (e.g., coming to an abrupt stop without warning or failing to signal their intention to switch lanes).
Rear-End Accidents Injuries
Although in many minor rear-end accidents the parties involved are left unharmed, rear-end crashes are associated with the following types of injuries:
- Whiplash
- Back or neck injury
- Traumatic brain injury
- Fractured bones;
- Concussion;
- Spinal cord injury
- Burn injury
- Internal bleeding.
Regardless of the severity of harm, our Charlotte rear-end car accident lawyer can help you build a successful personal injury case and pursue compensation.
Fault in Rear-End Crashes
Although the driver of the front vehicle, police, and insurance companies are very likely to blame the driver in the back, there are cases when the front car is to blame, or both motorists share fault.
More often than not, the driver in the back is at fault for failing to maintain a safe distance, exceeding the speed limit, getting distracted behind the wheel, or driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
However, the driver in the front may also be fully or partially at fault, especially if his or her brake lights were not functioning at the time of the crash, the motorist stopped suddenly or changed lanes without signaling his or her intention to do so.
Unlike in most other states, which follow the rule of comparative negligence, North Carolina is a contributory negligence state. In our state, you cannot recover any compensation if you have contributed to your injury or damages even to the slightest degree.
That is why seeking help from a Charlotte rear-end car accident lawyer is essential to be able to prove that another party was at fault.
Who Is Liable in Rear-End Accidents?
North Carolina is a “fault” state, which requires injured motorists to recover damages from the party who caused the crash.
Yes, the negligent driver who crashed into your vehicle from behind or who stopped suddenly will have to pay for any damages that you have suffered. However, proving that the other party is at fault often requires help from an attorney.
As we have mentioned, North Carolina is a contributory negligence state, which means recovering damages may be extremely difficult unless you have a compelling legal case against the at-fault party.
Here at Brown Moore & Associates, PLLC, our Charlotte rear-end car accident attorney will review your case to determine fault and help you prepare a strong legal claim against the negligent motorist. Get a free case evaluation by calling at 704-335-1500 (local) or 800-948-0577 (toll-free).