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Charlotte Stillbirth

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Stillbirth is a tragedy that occurs when a baby is born without signs of life after at least 24 weeks of pregnancy. The baby may die during the late period of the pregnancy or the child may die during the labor and delivery process. Stillbirth can leave parents devastated and, in some cases, the mother may be left suffering from physical complications.

When stillbirth occurs, a child injury lawyer – Jon R. Moore should be consulted for help. A medical malpractice claim may be brought against caregivers responsible for causing the baby’s death so parents can get compensation for medical expenses, loss of income, emotional distress, pain, and other damages.

Causes of Stillbirth

Stillbirth may occur as a result of a genetic abnormality or chromosomal defect, including:

  • Placental abruption
  • Pre-eclampsia
  • Maternal infection
  • Gestational diabetes and
  • Placental insufficiency

If the baby is deprived of oxygen during the birthing process and/or if a prolapsed umbilical cord cuts off a child’s oxygen supply, stillbirth is also a likely result.

In many situations, the tragedy of stillbirth could have been prevented if:

  • Proper prenatal care was provided
  • Medical conditions were correctly diagnosed
  • The baby was properly monitored or
  • The labor and delivery process was conducted correctly

Treatment of mother and child during the late months of labor or an emergency delivery of the child could be life-saving for the baby and could prevent serious health complications for the mother.

Stillbirth and Medical Negligence

Unfortunately, in many instances where stillbirth could have been prevented but wasn’t, the child loses his or her life as a result of medical errors made by the doctor providing prenatal care or overseeing the delivery. Healthcare providers who care for pregnant mothers and babies have an enormous responsibility to carefully monitor the health of both the mother and child and to take prompt action if complications or problems occur.

Parents can hold doctors accountable not only for failure to act when complications develop late in the pregnancy but also in some cases for failure to diagnose genetic abnormalities or defects early in the pregnancy process while parents still have options for the fetus. A mother who has to go through the birthing process to produce a stillborn child experiences significant physical and emotional trauma and care providers should be held accountable if they cause this to occur when it could have been prevented.

To make a claim for medical negligence when a stillbirth occurs, the parents must show the caregiver was unreasonably negligent or failed to fulfill an obligation to provide professional quality care. Physicians are expected to offer competent and professional medical advice, which is judged based on their backgrounds and medical experience. Doctors who fall short can be responsible for all resulting losses.

Getting Help from a Child Injury Lawyer

A Charlotte child injury lawyer at Brown Moore & Associates, PLLC can provide assistance to those pursuing a case for compensation when a stillbirth occurs. Give us a call at 800-948-0577 or complete our online contact form to learn how we can help you.

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"They held my hand through the whole process, they were patient enough to explain the steps in detail and helped me to articulate my pain and suffering. They think outside of the box and aggressively fought for me and my best interests. I can’t thank them enough for their hard work and their ability to make me feel like we were family and that my little problems were a priority."
A. Vue
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"Working with Brown Moore and Associates was the best thing that I have done when it came to my case. No doubt about it, I will be using this firm if I were to ever need them again."
Daija Rogers
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“It was a great pleasure working with Brown and Associates. They were very professional and handled our case great. We were very pleased with them and would highly recommend them.”
Marilyn Cantrell
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“I had the pleasure of working with Brown Moore. My main contact was Jenny Maynard and throughout the entire process they were helpful, insightful, and even compassionate. I cannot recommend them enough for whatever you need.”
Will Soistman