North Carolina personal injury claims that involve traumatic brain injuries are very serious. This is because a traumatic brain injury can cause long-term damage, permanent disabilities, and even death. Close to two million traumatic brain injuries are diagnosed every year, and that does not account for all of the traumatic brain injuries that are not diagnosed, which happens more often than you might think. To truly understand the impact of traumatic brain injuries and how they relate to personal injury claims in North Carolina, we’ll discuss exactly what a traumatic brain injury is, what symptoms are associated with these injuries, the range of severity in traumatic brain injuries, and how the Charlotte personal injury attorneys at Brown Moore & Associates can help.
What Exactly Is A Traumatic Brain Injury?
A traumatic brain injury is an injury to a person’s brain that involves the disruption of usual brain functioning. It happens when someone is struck on the head by an object, when someone strikes their head into an object, or when an object penetrates the skull to injure the brain. In some cases, traumatic brain injuries are the result of a fall from a height, often while working, leading to workers’ compensation claims. In other cases, these injuries happen while playing physical sports. Other cases occur through auto accidents and lead to auto accident claims. Depending on where the accident occurs, you may have a workers’ comp claim, an auto accident claim, a premises liability claim, or some other form of North Carolina personal injury claim.
Recognizing the Symptoms of Traumatic Brain Injuries
One reason that traumatic brain injuries may not always be diagnosed as such is that people are not aware of how to recognize the symptoms. By recognizing the symptoms of a traumatic brain injury, you can ensure that you or your loved one is treated as quickly as possible and that you pursue any compensation owed to you through a personal injury claim. Having said that, the symptoms can vary from person to person and depending on the severity of the injury. There are mild traumatic brain injuries that may cause nothing more than short-term unconsciousness or confusion. Then, there are more severe traumatic brain injuries that cause longer-term unconsciousness or even amnesia. There is also a range of symptoms that fall between these two extremes.
Any time someone has injured their head in any way, they should be closely monitored for a few weeks, because some symptoms may not appear immediately. They should also seek a full medical evaluation, because it is better to be safe than sorry, and there are some symptoms that might be more readily noticed by a physician. The person may require diagnostic testing and treatment for their injury.
Traumatic Brain Injury Symptoms Based on Injury Severity
When a traumatic brain injury is mild, the injured party might lose consciousness or they might not. They may be a little bit confused or disoriented. You might notice that the person is dizzy or unable to maintain their balance. Headaches are common, and the person may also be sensitive to light or sound. You might even see mood changes, anxiety, or depression. Some people experience nausea, with or without actually vomiting. In the weeks that follow, the person might be sleeping a lot more than usual, feeling drowsy and fatigued when awake, or experience the opposite with insomnia.
When traumatic brain injuries fall within the range of moderate to severe, the symptoms can be much more serious. Loss of consciousness is more likely the more severe the injury is. Mood changes and confusion are also more common and can include very unusual behaviors, irritability, and even rage. The injured person might be noticed to have slurred speech, a lack of coordination, and dilated pupils. They are more likely to experience nausea, vomiting, and a loss of control of their bladder or bowels. Sometimes, victims of traumatic brain injuries will notice weakness in their arms and legs, a headache that won’t let up, and sleep disturbances. In the worst cases, the person might have seizures and there may be fluids coming from their nose and their ears.
If untreated –and in the worst cases, even with treatment – traumatic brain injuries can have long-term consequences, including permanent disability.
How Can the Personal Injury Attorneys at Brown Moore & Associates Help?
If you or a loved one has sustained a traumatic brain injury, then you will benefit from a free consultation with the skilled North Carolina personal injury attorneys at Brown Moore & Associates. We can help by establishing who is liable for the injury and investigating the details of your claim. We will gather evidence, interview witnesses, and assess your medical expenses, pain and suffering, and other losses to determine the value of your claim. We will then help you to seek the compensation that is owed to you. Call us today to schedule your free personal injury claim consultation.