When heading to work, a person usually doesn’t imagine getting injured so badly on the worksite that returning to work the next day isn’t an option. Sometimes, though, a work accident can happen in the blink of an eye. This may leave a person in North Carolina wondering how he or she will recover from the workplace injuries and stay afloat financially in the meantime.
One individual in an out-of-state case suffered serious injuries on a recent Friday. The accident happened when he was on a construction site. He fell an estimated 12 feet while working to install metal decking. The fall took place from the building’s 11th floor during the late morning hours.
The man was transported to the hospital. Officials said his condition was considered stable. The man’s fall marks the third time a person has fallen at the job site since November 2013. In November, one man fell unconscious after falling several feet. In February 2014, another worker fell a few feet and landed on a platform.
When falls happen at a worksite in North Carolina, the employee suffering the workplace injuries may feel helpless. He or she doesn’t know how long full recovery will take; all the while, the person may not be able to keep working for his or her usual paychecks. Worker’s compensation insurance benefits can quickly help to replace any lost income following a job accident. It is within the rights of an injured employee to seek the full amount of benefits considered appropriate, considering his or her condition.
Source: dnainfo.com, “Third Worker Hurt in Fall at Northern Blvd Site“, Jeanmarie Evelly and Aidan Gardiner, June 13, 2014