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Stillbirth Injury: Causes And Cures

By Brown Moore

April 15, 2020

Home News & Resources Stillbirth Injury: Causes And Cures

When a baby is lost between the 20th week of pregnancy and birth, this is considered a stillbirth. These are tragic incidents that will leave families grieving. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are approximately 24,000 stillbirths every year in this country. At Brown, Moore & Associates, PLLC, our team wants to discuss some of the causes of stillbirth as well as methods of stillbirth prevention. Our stillbirth attorney in Charlotte is ready to help families if they discover a stillbirth was caused due to medical negligence.

What Causes Stillbirth?

There are various causes of stillbirth, and understanding them is key to stillbirth prevention. Some of the most common causes of stillbirth include:

Pregnancy and labour complications

Various circumstances could increase the risk of stillbirth while in the womb. This could include:

  • Preterm labour
  • Pregnancy is lasting 42 weeks
  • Carrying more than one child in the womb
  • Accidents during pregnancy

Complications with pregnancy and labour more commonly a cause of stillbirth when labour occurs before the 24th week of pregnancy.

Problems with the placenta

The placenta is essential for providing a baby with nutrients and oxygen during pregnancy, so anything that interferes with the placenta places the baby at risk. Problems with the placenta are responsible for approximately 25% of all stillbirths. Common placenta issues include inadequate blood flow, infection, and inflammation. Placental abruption can also occur, which is when the placenta separates from the uterine wall before birth.

Birth defects

According to the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, approximately 10% of all stillbirths can be attributed to birth defects. This can include Rh incompatibility, structural defects, fetal growth restriction, and genetic conditions.


Infections can occur in the mother, baby, or placenta. Any of these will increase the risk of stillbirth. Some of the most common infections that can affect a baby in the womb include:

  • cytomegalovirus (CMV)
  • listeriosis
  • syphilis
  • toxoplasmosis
  • fifth disease
  • genital herpes

Umbilical cord problems

Anytime the umbilical cord becomes squeezed or knotted up, the baby is at risk of not receiving enough oxygen.

Maternal health

The health of the mother can also contribute to stillbirth. Some of the most common causes of stillbirth late in pregnancy include preeclampsia and chronic high blood pressure.

We Can Help You Get Through This

Preventing stillbirth revolves around receiving regular prenatal care. Women and their doctors should be aware of any conditions that could lead to stillbirth and plan treatment accordingly.

If your child was stillborn and you believe that the negligence of a medical professional contributed to the death, let Brown, Moore & Associates, PLLC help you through this. Our compassionate and experienced team has vast experience handling these types of cases, and we will work to secure the compensation you deserve. This could include:

  • Compensation for all medical expenses related to the mistake
  • Grief counseling if necessary
  • Loss of enjoyment of life damages
  • Pain and suffering damages
  • Punitive damages against the healthcare provider/agency responsible

When you need a stillbirth attorney in Charlotte, you can contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling us at 800-948-0577.