When a family member or close friend passes away, you will deal with a host of emotions. Depending on the circumstances surrounding their death you could very well struggle for years to return to some sort of a normal life. Losing a loved one due to illness or old age is difficult enough, but losing a loved one due to wrongful death can be overwhelming. Wrongful death occurs when one person’s actions, which are typically negligent, leading to the death of another. Finding ways to heal following such a loss can be challenging, especially when you just want to curl up in bed and shut the rest of the world out of your life. The team at Brown Moore & amp; Associates has more than 40 years of experience representing victims of wrongful death cases and their families. Let’s take a look at some important tips for healing following the North Carolina wrongful death of a loved one in today’s post.
North Carolina Wrongful Death: Learn How to Handle Anger
Quite possibly one of the most common emotional issues you will deal with following the wrongful death of a loved one will be anger. You will be angry that it wasn’t you who died. You will be angry that your loved one was taken from you. Also, you will be angry at the person who caused your loved one’s death. Anger will fill your life and it will last for a long time if you don’t know how to deal with it properly.
It is perfectly natural to feel anger when dealing with such a tragic situation. You need to accept these feelings of anger. You need to tell your children and others in your family that they can and should be angry over what happened. Even though it is perfectly natural to deal with feelings of anger, you cannot allow yourself or your children to nurture or harbor those feelings for an extended period. This could wind up preventing you from healing.
Charlotte Wrongful Death: Expelling the Myths Surrounding Grief
The next thing you must do when trying to heal from a Charlotte wrongful death of a loved one is to expel the myths surrounding grief. It is likely that mourners who come to your aid will tell you one or more myths about grief and how it can be handled. You need to dispel these myths from your thinking as soon as possible. The most common myths about grief include the following:
- You need to remain strong for the rest of your family
- Try to ignore the pain. If you can ignore the pain it will eventually disappear
- You are still dealing with sadness after a few months then something is wrong
- If you have not cried it means that you do not care
Everyone grieves differently, which means there are no set ways to grieve and no set time periods for grieving the loss of a loved one. Because of this, you need to be open-minded when it comes to grieving and how your children will grieve. Your children will handle the situation differently from you and you will handle it differently from the rest of your family. Just know that however someone deals with the grief is not wrong.
Charlotte North Carolina Wrongful Death: Stick to Your Routine
Sticking to your routine following the wrongful death of your loved one is much easier said than done. The death of a loved one causes many people to break down to the point where they want to spend as much time alone and in bed as possible. They might not even want to interact with their own family or the mourners who visit them to express their condolences and offer their support.
When there are children involved in such a horrific situation stick to a routine. They will likely want a feeling of security and normalcy. Offer this by keeping their schedule the way it always was. Children might exhibit strange behavior while they grieve and your reaction will go a long way towards helping them heal. You cannot react differently or unpredictably as a parent. This could hurt their struggles emotionally even more than what is present.
Charlotte NC Wrongful Death: Talk About Your Loved One
A tip that seems to work well is to talk about their loved ones. Do not ignore the fact that this person was part of your life for years upon years. You might feel angry enough with their death that you refuse to talk about them. This can be incredibly detrimental to your health and to the grieving process.
Talk about your loved one to anyone who will listen; family members, friends, neighbors, your doctor, a therapist, a support group. It is important to talk about the good times and the bad times you had with your loved one. This will help you begin the healing process.
By refusing to talk about your loved one or their death it means you are trying to deny what happened. This will only isolate you from everyone else and anger the support system you have in place. The more you talk about your loved one and their death the better off you will be emotional.
Charlotte North Carolina Wrongful Death Attorneys — Brown Moore & Associates
If you lost a loved one to the negligence of someone else speak with an experienced wrongful death attorney in Charlotte. The wrongful death of a loved one can overwhelm your life and the lives of your children. Seeking counsel from the team of Brown Moore & Associates can make things just a little bit easier when it comes to healing from the grief. Contact the office in Charlotte today to schedule an appointment.