North Carolina may soon be facing a wrongful death claim

Feb 6, 2014 Brown Moore Wrongful Death

Understandably, when the guardrails and cable barriers on highway medians fail, it can cause devastation. People can be seriously injured or even killed in accidents that could have been made worse by the failed guardrail or cable barrier. The state of North Carolina may possibly be at the wrong end of a wrongful death lawsuit pending the results of an investigation into an accident.

An eyewitness to a recent accident believes that the cable barrier that was in the median of a North Carolina highway failed to properly keep an out-of-control vehicle from causing more damage. One person was killed as a result of the accident after a car wound up flying through the air and over the witness’s vehicle. The witness referred to the cables as looking like rubber bands.

Reports indicated that an expert in the field of highway safety agreed with the eyewitness in that the cables are fully capable of causing a car to flip and go airborne if the right conditions occur at the time of the incident. They are put in place to keep vehicles on the right side of the road during an accident. There are numerous cases that show that the cable barriers have fulfilled the purpose for which they are intended if the vehicles are on a reasonably flat plane. But in this case, there was a dip before the cable barriers started.

Should the state of North Carolina be found responsible for the faultiness of the cable barrier that ultimately led to the death of an innocent driver, they may be hit with a wrongful death claim. The family of the victim may feel the need to file a lawsuit against the state in order to get compensation for their loss. It may be beneficial for anyone taking on the state to obtain legal representation in order to have the best chance of getting justice for victims.

Source:, Did barrier cables contribute to a fatal crash on Interstate 40?, Jon Camp, Jan. 27, 2014

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