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News & Resources

When a family member or close friend passes away, you will deal with a host of emotions. Depending on the circumstances surrounding their death you could very well struggle for years to return to some sort of a normal life. Losing a loved one due to illness or old age is difficult enough, but losing…Read More

The driver is not the only person who can be affected by a horrific Charlotte car accident. Any person in the vehicle with the driver can suffer a life-altering injury or emotional illness. Post-traumatic stress disorder can occur in victims of car accidents, causing them to have trouble getting back behind the wheel once their…Read More

Product liability is a section of the law that governs how products are manufactured, marketed, distributed, and sold to the public. It handles how injuries caused by defective or malfunctioning products are taken care of when it comes to compensation. Product liability laws hold various companies and entities liable for issues caused by the products…Read More

If you have been in a collision in Charlotte or elsewhere in North Carolina that involved a brain injury, you are entitled to sue for full compensation for your injuries. Medical science has advanced rapidly in recent years, and we now know even mild to moderate brain injuries—such as a concussion—can be debilitating in 10-15…Read More

While you may think the car behind you is responsible for a rear-end collision in Charlotte, North Carolina, that is not always the case. While the driver behind you may be at fault in some capacity, there are some instances when you, as the lead driver, can be considered responsible for causing the rear-end collision….Read More