The warm weather has officially arrived in Charlotte, North Carolina and the surrounding areas. This is welcome news to those who enjoy exploring our gorgeous region on a motorcycle.
Perhaps you’re the type of rider who tends to ride with others in a group. Doing so could boost your safety. If you’re involved in an accident, other members of your group may be able to assist you and call 911 immediately, helping you get the medical care you need fast.
That said, riding in a large group can also involve certain potential dangers. Ways to minimize these dangers and avoid being harmed in a collision include the following:
Ride in a Staggered Formation
A staggered formation is one in which one rider stays to the left of the lane, the rider behind them stays to the right, the rider behind them stays to the left, etc. Maintaining this formation (unless breaking it is necessary to avoid a hazard) allows everyone to stay visible and provides all riders with enough space to maneuver.
Plan Ahead
It’s always important to thoroughly plan your motorcycle rides. This is true even if you’re riding alone.
Preparation is particularly essential in a group, though. It’s critical that everyone understands the type of environments in which they will be riding, so everyone can confirm the trip aligns with their skill level. All members of the group should also agree on such issues as how often to stop for breaks.
Your emergency plan should involve knowing where the nearest hospitals are along your route as well. It’s also wise to pack first aid kits and other emergency supplies.
Check All Motorcycles
Every member of the riding group must confirm their motorcycle is in good working order before heading out on a trip. If a malfunction or other such issue causes a rider to be involved in an accident, due to their proximity to other riders in the group, they might endanger not only themselves, but those with whom they are riding.
Learn Hand Signals
Everyone riding in a group should understand certain basic hand signals so they can communicate effectively with one another on the road. Of course, it’s also vital that everyone actually makes use of these hand signals when doing so is necessary.
Know Who You’re Riding With
Don’t assume that every member of a motorcycle group is a responsible individual who will obey the rules of the road. Ideally, you should ride with people you know. If you’re riding with a new group, or you’re inviting new members to join your regular riding group, try to get a sense of their riding habits and overall attitude towards safety to avoid riding with those who can’t be trusted to ride cautiously.
That said, even if you follow the advice here, it’s still possible to be involved in a motorcycle accident resulting from the negligence of someone else with whom you’re sharing the road. You may be eligible for financial compensation if this ever happens. At Brown Moore & Associates, PLLC, a Charlotte motorcycle accident attorney can review your case and provide more information about your potential options. Get started today by contacting us online or calling us at 704-335-1500.