Workers’ compensation benefits don’t typically cover you during a routine morning or evening commute to or from work, but do kick in to provide you with medical bill payments and disability income after any car accident that occurs when performing your work duties. The fault isn’t relevant in getting workers’ comp coverage for injuries caused by a vehicle accident on-the-job. However, you need to decide if a workers’ comp claim is the best choice, the only choice, or one of several options to pursue getting the compensation owed to you. A Charlotte workers’ compensation lawyer at Brown Moore & Associates, PLLC can help you understand your options.
When Vehicle Accidents Happen On-the-Job Our Attorneys Can Help
Car accidents on the job are one of the leading causes of workplace injuries and workers’ compensation claims. If a car accident happens while you are doing required work tasks, you should report the incident to your employer right away and begin the process of making a workers’ compensation claim for benefits.
Employers have to buy workers’ compensation insurance for virtually all staff members, and insurance coverage pays for every injury and illness that happens due to the fulfillment of work duties – even if the injury occurred off the normal worksite. You don’t have to worry about who caused the car crash as you should get workers’ compensation benefits even if you were at fault, as long as you weren’t alcohol-impaired or violating company policy.
Options for Compensation After Work-Related Car Accidents
While workers’ comp benefits make sure you are cared for and that you have income coming in while you recover from car accident injuries, these benefits do not provide you with all of the compensation you could get in a civil case. If you file a personal injury claim after a car accident, for example, you could get pain and suffering damages and compensation for emotional distress.
Suing an employer isn’t an option after any work-related injury, even a car accident, because workers’ compensation is the exclusive remedy system for on-the-job injuries. However, you are still allowed to use third parties who hurt you. This means if someone causes your car accident to occur, you can sue the driver or other responsible party. You can sue for car accident damages in a separate action from your workers’ compensation claim in most cases, giving you the opportunity to get fully and fairly compensated for all of your losses from those who are responsible for hurting you.
Getting Legal Help Immediately
When you get into a car crash doing work tasks you’ll need to determine if workers’ comp covers you and if there are any third parties to pursue a civil claim against. You need not only a lawyer who is prepared to help you deal with your workplace injury claim but also an attorney with experience in car accident cases.
Brown Moore & Associates, PLLC handles both work injury and car accident claims so our legal team has the qualifications and knowledge necessary to assist you with multiple different types of claims to maximize recovery for damages. Call Brown Moore & Associates, PLLC at 800-948-0577 or contact us online to learn more about how we can help.