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Year: 2012

Fatigued driving can be as bad as drunk driving. In many ways, it’s as simple as that. The risk of causing motor vehicle accidents escalates inescapably when a driver has not had enough sleep. That’s why federal regulators have worked so hard to put realistic hours-of-service limitations in place for truck drivers. And it’s why…Read More

We have all read news stories that talk about the dangers of distracted driving. Nearly every day there is another example of the tragic things that can happen when a driver takes his or her eyes off of the road, even for a split second. However, despite the widespread nature of these reports, there are…Read More

A driver’s license provides many motorists with an opportunity to be self-sufficient. They no longer have to depend upon another person to drive them around town. They are free to go where they want when they want. When drivers get older, some of them start to lose some of the skills that are necessary for…Read More

There are many occupations that present hazards for workers. But when someone is injured on the job, many of these workers find themselves in for a major surprise when trying to obtain North Carolina workers’ compensation benefits. There are very specific rules in place that require employers to have workers’ compensation insurance. In North Carolina,…Read More

As the school year starts once again, drivers will notice many students walking in the mornings and afternoons. Around high schools and college campuses, motorists may see students out more often, walking to their next class. Many of these students could be wearing headphones listening to music on an iPod, talking on a cellphone, or…Read More