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Year: 2015

As an experienced driver, you know that your own driving behaviors cannot prevent all accidents. Safe driving requires you to remain watchful of virtually everything around you. This is known as defensive driving, and you probably did not learn it in school. In fact, to this day, teenagers continue to learn little about defensive driving…Read More

Multi-vehicle pileups are typically reported in the news as a single collision. From a legal standpoint, however, it is really a series of individual accidents. Having represented numerous clients in these cases, our Charlotte motorcycle accident lawyers can attest to the complex posturing performed by insurers or attorneys as they attempt to prove their clients…Read More

North Carolina’s contributory negligence law can often eliminate the rights of injury victims when they have even a small degree of liability for their accidents. Thus, it stands to reason that a trespasser would have few grounds for a claim against a property owner who maintains dangerous premises. If the trespasser is an adult, this…Read More

The North Carolina Workers’ Compensation (WC) system is set up to provide employees with the security of knowing that their workplace injuries are addressed regardless of who is at fault, in most cases. Unless employers can prove they have the funding needed to cover worker injuries, they must purchase special insurance coverage for on-the-job injuries….Read More

Spinal cord damage is often referred to as a catastrophic injury for good reason. With about 12,000 new cases each year, these injuries often leave victims with devastating long-term effects, such as full or partial paralysis or damage to any number of vital bodily functions. Naturally, the best way to avoid SCI is to recognize…Read More