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Year: 2017

It is possible for an auto accident to be covered by a North Carolina workers’ compensation claim, provided that the accident was in some way related to employment tasks. Following, we’ll discuss the circumstances in which this might be applicable and the circumstances in which it is not. Auto Accidents that Occur During Your Commute…Read More

Any North Carolina workers’ compensation claim has to be started right away if you’re going to protect your right to receive workers’ compensation benefits. It doesn’t matter if the injury seems minor because even the mildest of symptoms could lead to great difficulties and even disability down the road. Report your injury and seek medical…Read More

If you’ve been in a car accident in North Carolina, you’ve got a lot of concerns on your mind, and going up against the auto insurance company of the at-fault driver is probably not the first on your list of struggles to deal with. You are focused on recovering from your injuries, dealing with your…Read More

When you are the victim of an auto accident in North Carolina, you’ve got a lot of things on your mind, from recovering from your injuries to establishing liability and getting your property damage repaired or replaced. If your vehicle is unusable after the accident, you may be wondering what your options are, now. How…Read More