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News & Resources

If you have been injured in an accident in Charlotte, you can recover money damages from the wrongdoer by filing a personal injury lawsuit. Among the damages, you might be able to recover are damages for pain and suffering. Indeed, under North Carolina law, the purpose of awarding damages is to restore the victim to…Read More

Car wrecks and collisions in Charlotte and Mecklenburg County are, sadly, common. In early March 2018, a man was killed in an automobile wreck in east Charlotte at Matheson Avenue and Clemson Avenue near NoDa. According to the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police, the driver who was killed was speeding and failed to stop at a stop sign….Read More

It is bad enough that accidents, wrecks, and collisions happen in Charlotte for maybe understandable reasons such as bad weather, momentary distractions, and mistakes. But some drivers make really bad choices — like smoking marijuana and driving. Mecklenburg County drivers who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol are dangerous and potentially deadly. Driving…Read More

Any car accident that you or a loved one experiences can be very scary. But, when the car wreck is fatal, then it is emotionally devastating for you and your family. Fatal accidents in Charlotte can and do happen. When they do, you have the right under the law to seek compensation for your loved…Read More

As the weather changes, sidewalks at a business can become slick with ice and rain. Business owners are responsible for your safety when on their property and this includes their outdoor areas. They should make sure they are aware of the current weather conditions so that they can take the necessary precautions to ensure that…Read More