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Category: Personal Injury

Any time that someone is physically injured through the negligence of another party in Charlotte, North Carolina, they can file a personal injury claim to recover compensation. The primary types of compensation that can be recovered in such cases include economic damages and non-economic damages. The economic damages are the actual financial losses and expenses,…Read More

If you have been injured in any Charlotte gym or physical fitness environment, whether it was a yoga center, a fitness club, or any exercise facility, you may be wondering if you will be able to recover compensation through a Charlotte, North Carolina, personal injury claim. There are many ways that a person can become…Read More

Lead poisoning has been in the news regularly since the crisis in Flint, Michigan, where communities in and outside of Flint suffered from the many effects regular exposure to lead can have, including learning disabilities, behavioral issues, anemia, hypertension, immunotoxicity, and toxicity to the organs. Since the initial coverage of this health crisis, more and…Read More

A first-of-its-kind study showing the devastating impact of wartime brain injuries on service members have been making news headlines of late. A University of Washington neurologist (Mac Donald) followed 50 soldiers after they suffered concussive injuries and continued to track their conditions over several years. Her findings may send shock waves through the military community,…Read More

Within the last few years, sexual abuse scandals linked to the catholic church have been exposed in the news; in fact, it has become such an issue that the archdiocese has had to establish a sexual abuse survivor compensation fund for those who were abused by priests as children and who are now trying to…Read More