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Category: Personal Injury

Most personal injury claims can be handled without ever having to go to trial. In fact, you can often resolve these issues without even filing a lawsuit. If you do have to file a lawsuit, you can likely still settle the claim before it ends up in court. However, if your personal injury claim does…Read More

In many cases, a personal injury claim can be handled without ever having to go to court. A personal injury attorney can facilitate negotiations between the at fault part, the insurance company, and the injured person to come to a fair settlement agreement. Yet, in the past few years, more and more personal injury claims…Read More

North Carolina personal injury claims that involve traumatic brain injuries are very serious. This is because a traumatic brain injury can cause long-term damage, permanent disabilities, and even death. Close to two million traumatic brain injuries are diagnosed every year, and that does not account for all of the traumatic brain injuries that are not…Read More

A common winter hazard in North Carolina can be found in the icy sidewalks, driveways, and other areas with foot traffic from people who could be easily injured by a slip and fall accident. For those who experience this unfortunate event, there may be something that you can do about it. Depending on the circumstances,…Read More

When you are injured and someone else is liable for that injury, you will usually start the process of seeking compensation by filing a claim with that party’s insurance company. Depending on the circumstances, you may be filing a claim with your own insurance company. In any case, it’s important to be aware that the…Read More