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Category: Car Accidents

A fatal car crash is a far-too-common tragedy in modern life. In the blink of an eye, a life can be taken away, leaving loved ones behind in unimaginable pain. An auto accident can have many causes, including the negligence of another person. One woman is mourning the loss of her son and daughter-in-law after…Read More

Virtually all North Carolina teens are excited at the prospect of learning to drive and getting their license. The ability to safely drive on one’s own requires a mix of experience and solid decision-making skills. Unfortunately, teenagers are often deficient in both of these categories. A serious crash recently took place in Raleigh, North Carolina,…Read More

Driving a car is second nature to most experienced motorists. Many decisions are made without much thought, as drivers have become accustomed to the normal operation of a vehicle. However, it only takes a split second for something to go wrong. That split second can be crucial in ensuring that no one is injured; it…Read More

A North Carolina father is due to spend 21 months in a prison cell after he was involved in a few car accidents and found guilty of committing involuntary manslaughter on his 3-year-old daughter. While he and the girl’s mother were not a couple, his last visitation day with the child would prove fatal. He…Read More

When residents of North Carolina are distracted for even a few seconds while driving, car accidents can be an unfortunate reality. Looking down to a cellular phone to read a text message on a highway is the equivalent to driving blindly. It is dangerous, and as there are more distracted drivers reading text messages, car…Read More